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[NUTRIDOM] Velvet Elk Antler 250mg x 30caps


***This Product DOES NOT Ship to the United States***

250 mg x 30 Vegetable Capsules


VELVET ELK ANTLER has been used in TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE since the beginning of the first millennium. In the last few years western scientific studies have proven what VELVET ELK ANTLER has amazing health benefits.

Velvet Elk Antler is the natural way to achieve :

•Arthritis relief
•Increased energy
•Immune enhancement
•Athletic performance
•Increased blood flow
•Mental acuity
•Muscle building
•Blood Building Effects
•Reduction of Blood Pressure
•Protection Against Stress
•Protection from Liver Damage
•Recovery from Traumatic Injury



Health Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and the Alberta government have set strict regulations for the practice of elk ranching. Elks are raised on spacious farms with plenty of room to roam. These free-range environments promote healthy and normal development.

All elks processed in Alberta undergo mandatory and rigorous testing before processing and the elk

ranching is a government-regulated industry controlled under the Livestock Industry Diversification Act. And the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regularly inspects elk herds and tests for illnesses.

The antler removal process is approved by the veterinarians and the harvesting is done under a protocol developed with the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association. This protocol requires training and certification of the owners/operators and is done humanely.

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a progressive, fatal, degenerative disease of the brain affecting elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer.

CWD belongs to a group of related diseases called Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), which include Scrapie in sheep and goats, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in humans. CWD is not the same as BSE. TSEs are caused by abnormal proteins, called prions, which accumulate in the brain. There is currently no treatment or vaccine available.

Alberta initiated a voluntary CWD surveillance program in October 1996. In August 2002, Alberta’s Mandatory CWD Surveillance Program was implemented.

Nutridom Canadian Velvet Elk Antler is harvested from registered Alberta Elk farm. Over 45,000 farmed and wild cervids in Alberta undergo monthly CWD testing since 1996. These data, along with the guidelines for Elk Antler harvesting by veterinarian association and CFIA regulation are available for public on the Chief Provincial Veterinarian websites.

– Higher potency- 500mg of Elk Velvet Antler powder with vegetable capsules.

– Health Canada Reviewed and Approved- NPN # 80044338

– Made in safe environment with GMP practices.

– Safe- Directly from Alberta Elk Farm providing safety guideline and CWD testing data for public on a monthly basis.

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