How to Achieve Weight Loss?

By / 15th January, 2016 / Weight Loss / No Comments

It is Simple: Spend more energy than you eat.


All our daily activities require energy. These include not only intensive exercises, but also breathing, thinking and even eating a food.

This energy is calculated as Calories– the food energy. Calories are obtained by our body breaking down Carbohydrate, Fat and Protein found in food and drinks.

We gain weight when we consume more energy through food and drink than we need. When excess energy (Calories) is consumed, extra Calories are stored as body fat, increasing the risk of obesity.  We lose weight when we spend more energy than we need. To lose one kilogram, approximately 7,700 Calories would need to be burned.



Each individual varies in the amount of energy they need per day based on height, weight and metabolism.

Health Canada Basic Food Guide estimates that on average, typical male adults 19-70 years of age need 2150-3000 Calories, and female adults need 1650-2350 Calories per day.

There are many ways for weight loss which are focused on the 2 basics: Reducing the incoming energy or increasing the consuming energy.




Bariatric surgery is an option for patients who are either severely obese (BMI ≥ 40) or have a BMI ≥ 35 with a serious condition, when diet and exercise interventions alone have failed to achieve a sustained weight loss and the patient is at high risk for obesity-related diseases.

There are number of procedures, including putting gastric band on stomach, removing portion of stomach, or mixture of both.

However, weight loss after surgery is not guaranteed. For a success, it still requires a commitment from patient to switch to a good lifestyle choices coupled with physical activity.

Studies suggest bariatric surgery as an effective intervention for weight loss and other various conditions including cardiovascular disease.

However, major surgical procedures are involved with risk. Common risks include infection, leak in gastric system, and excessive bleeding.

Therefore, Bariatric surgery should generally only be considered after other steps to reduce weight have been attempted.



Pharmaceuticals such as lorcaserin, a drug that induces satiety and another that combines phentermine and topiramate as appetite suppressant have been rising in the market.

Another drug which combines bupropion and naltrexone, more commonly known as Contrave is being marketed as a new combination drug treatment for obesity.

However, they are prescription medicines, and there are rising concern for its safety and price.

That is why we recommend you these products that from natural food. You can find it in our website.


Good Lifestyle Choices

Eating a diet balanced in fat, protein and carbohydrate is very important.

Fat helps us utilize vitamins A, D, E and K, and is a building block of body cells. Protein is needed to build and repair tissue, enzyme, and hormones. Protein is also an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. Carbohydrates are the most immediate source of energy for body, and a lack of carbohydrate could cause headache, fatigue, dizziness, constipation, sugar cravings.

Lifestyle change (calorie restriction +/- exercise) generally produces weight loss of 5-7% of body-weight. Weight loss of this magnitude has been shown to reduce the incidence of other disease, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

허벌 슬림 운동

Physical activity alone does not typically result in significant weight loss, but combining increased physical activity and calorie restriction may lead to more significant or more sustained weight loss when compared to caloric restriction alone. Exercise has many beneficial effects beside weight loss: strengthened cardiovascular system, immune system, brain function and many more.

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