What is African Mango? Can an African Mango diet really help you lose weight?

By / 30th December, 2015 / Weight Loss / No Comments

The African Mango is a mango-like fruit that comes from the Irvingia Gabonensis tree, a tree native to West Africa.

For thousands of years, the local population used it as a staple in their diet as well as for medicinal purposes.

The nut of the fruit was ground up and used for cooking, or the paste was taken on long hunting trips to stave off hunger.

Only within the last 20 years has it been recognized by western culture as scientists have discovered the incredible health benefits that the people of west Africa have been taking advantage of for all this time.

허벌 슬림 맥스 표지

African mango was studied originally to determine possible benefits when it comes to cholesterol.

After several placebo controlled studies,

what they found was that not only did African mango help lower cholesterol levels,

but in every study the group given the supplement had significant weight loss results

– an average weight loss of 12.3 pounds in just 8 weeks –

while the group given the placebo saw very little results for either weight loss or cholesterol improvement.

Herbal Slim_AFRICAN-Mango_600x600(Click!!!)

Enjoy African Mango! We wish you to be healthy!

#healthy #weightloss #natural #healthyfood #slim

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